Executive Order of May 25, 208 – Should You Care???

NOTES:  This section is for NFFE-1450’s members ONLY. Information posted is members’ privilege and is not to be shared with non-member or the general public without consent or approval of NFFE-1450’s Executive Officers. 


About Executive Order of May 25, 2018 – Should you Care?

By NFFE-1450 President Dennis Murakami

Enjoy being able to flex over your start time?  Late a few minutes?  Submit a leave slip and deduct annual leave? Enjoy teleworking?  Enjoy credit hours?  Like working a 4/10 schedule to have every Friday off?

Virtually all aspects of current employees’ working environment are bargained.

The EO May 25 2018 on Collective Bargaining seeks to impose common provisions in all collective bargaining agreements, as established by OPM, and limits the length of time for bargaining over collective bargaining agreements to nine months after which period of time the agency may impose (with some caveats) its own collective bargaining agreement.

The remaining EO shortens the removal period for an employee.

If one is not a Federation member, do the first two EO’s matter?  And, if one doesn’t believe that one will ever be subject to removal because one is an outstanding HUD employee, the 3rd EO is irrelevant–right?

The Federation bargains exclusively over conditions of work.  This distinguishes the Federation from state employee unions and private sector unions which bargain over pay and benefits, as well.

The EO’s are intended to remove employee input into working conditions and allows the imposition of whatever the administration intends upon federal employees.  Object? Vehemently object?  The necessary time to remove an employee from federal service has been expedited.

And, what about managers/supervisors?  Historically, while managers and supervisors have enjoyed more flexibility in their working environment, the important benefits are those obtained for rank and file employees.  They will be impacted, as well.

For more detailed discussion, go to: Analysis of EO May 25 2018