Membership Meeting Minutes 5-23-19

MINUTES 5/23/19 NFFE 1450 Membership Meeting


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  1. Call to Order 11:33 am (Ken Einbinder)
  2. Conductor Sentinel Announcement (Ken Einbinder)
  3. Roll Call of Executive Board Members (Ken Einbinder)

President, Dennis Murakami excused Vice President, Ken Einbinder✓ Treasurer, Lisa Barnard✓ Recording-Secretary, Sue Sheftel✓ Conductor Sentinel, Anna Dennis ✓ Trustee, Janie Lopez ✓ Trustee, Robin Thompson ✓ Trustee, Toulu Thao ✓ Business Representative, Jan Thompson

Auditors: Jane Alex Davin Lal Peter Ludlam✓

  1. Roll Call of Offices:​ Ken Einbinder Las Vegas✓ Reno Phoenix✓ Albuquerque (SWONAP) ✓ Los Angeles San Francisco ✓ Santa Ana ✓
  2. Secretary’s Report: ​Sue Sheftel

a. Minutes from 4/25/19 Membership meeting

Read into Record: Janie Lopez Discussion: None Motion to Adopt: Sue Sheftel Second: Ken Einbinder Vote: Unanimous

b. Membership Report New Members: Jennifer Estrella, SF, 4/15/19 Mimi Woodruff, LV, 4/15/19 Collin Evenson, SF, 4/29/19 Luthene Andrews, Reno, 5/9/19

Retired/Left NFFE:

Retired Lifetime Member:

  1. Treasurer’s Report (see attached) Read into record: Lisa Barnard Discussion: None Motion to Adopt: Sue Sheftel Second: Anna Dennis Vote: Unanimous
  2. Regional Issues:
    a. New Developments in NFFE 1450: ​Ken Einbinder

Federal unions currently negotiating contracts are experiencing management attempting to put the May 2018 Executive Orders in place through bargaining.
b. Bargaining: ​Ken Einbinder Possible upcoming bargaining of closure of Reno office and directed reassignment of BUE

  1. ​Office Reports
    Phoenix/Albuquerque ​(Ken Einbinder) a. NFFE defending employee against proposed suspension b. Noticed cubicle change
    Los Angeles ​(Anna Dennis) a. NFFE representing BUE who took 2 year medical leave and is currently negotiating with management to return to work with reasonable accommodations b. NFFE advocated for BUE who was issued a Letter of Reprimand. Step 2 decision maker found in favor of employee.
    San Francisco ​(Toulu Thao) a. Cubicle notice b. Met with BUE who received OIP c. Working with BUE grieving EPPES d. Met with employee whose telework was terminated because she hadn’t completed her first year and had not yet received an EPPES evaluation.
    Santa Ana (​Peter Ludlam​) a. Travel subsidy issue resolved b. Field Quality Management Review (FQMR) audit performed
    Las Vegas/Reno ​(Janie Lopez) a. Directed reassignment issued to Reno employee. NFFE may demand to bargain.
  2. Q&A ​None
    Meeting adjourned: 11:50 pm

Meeting Notes Approved by the Membership on 6/27/19


Updated: June 28, 2019 — 10:39 pm